2024 Industry Survey

What to know what employers are seeking in graduates?

128 leaders from architecture and design practices across New Zealand share their views.

Top 10 interview tips for graduates

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Advice for graduates about to enter the industry

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Continue learning - seek advice, ask questions, keep an open mind, and absorb everything.

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Get real-world, on-site construction experience.

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Be a team player – working as part of a harmonious team means more than being a superstar.

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Learn architectural modelling and drawing like the back of your hand – design flair can come later.

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Work cooperatively and treat everyone with respect. No one is just a plumber or a builder; they will know something you don’t.

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Don’t worry about your pay; prove yourself and better pay will follow naturally.

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Get across the legal stuff – understanding building law is as important as design.

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Trust your abilities but accept that it takes time to know what you’re doing and to feel comfortable.

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Don’t give up – it’s a tough market but jobs will open up.

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If you are in architecture just to design cool buildings, think again.

Smartspec icon: An approach that makes sense

The soft/people skills employers are seeking

  • Communication with well-honed listening skills
  • The ability to word well with others
  • An eagerness to learn and a willingness to embrace feedback
  • Drive and enthusiasm
  • Humility and empathy


The technical skills employers are seeking

  • Drafting software competency
  • Knowledge of the Building Act, Building Code, and Standards
  • Knowledge of building construction methodology
  • Ability to draw/hand sketch
  • Architectural detailing ability


Last time respondents and/or firms hired someone

How are job openings advertised