Student Hub

Studying architecture or design?
This page is for you!

Here you’ll find loads of industry information that will help kick-start your career.

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Find out what practices are looking for - see the CMS 2024 Industry Survey Results

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Upskill in spec writing - get started with Smartspec

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The tech & people skills employers are seeking - see the CMS 2024 Industry Survey Results

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Job hunting? Find out where practices are advertising - see the CMS 2024 Industry Survey Results

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Industry Insider keeps architects, designers, builders, and trade professionals across what's happening in the construction sector

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2024 Industry Survey

Find out what employers are seeking in graduates.
Get tips from 128 Kiwi firms.

Smartspec icon: An approach that makes sense

Smartspec login

We set up Smartspec accounts for students via lecturers at universities and polytechnics across New Zealand. Get in touch if you need help with this.

> Get in touch


Smartspec icon: Better support

Smartspec how-to

Learn how to write council-ready specifications using the Smartspec platform, including tips and tricks for making spec writing quicker and easier.

> How to


Smartspec icon: Faster and easier spec writing

Industry webinars

Get across key issues facing the building and construction industry, with insights and advice from experts in their field.

> Webinars


Smartspec logo

Want to find out what a Smartspec specification actually looks like? Download an example here.

Connect with architects, learn about industry products, and gain inspiration from some of the leading names in architecture from around the world.


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